Sunday, October 27, 2013

light and blessings

I love the way the soft October light fills the sky in my little neighborhood.
I also love seeing Tim's old Honda back in our driveway. My boy was home
for a weekend visit. Leaves and pumpkins are everywhere, and the sun nudges
its way through windows, casting dancing shadows on floors, walls, and cats.

Lots of cooking happened this weekend ~ home-cooked comfort food was much
appreciated by my hungry college student and M&M cookies were baked and
packed up to take back to school. My dishwasher, sink, and counters over-
floweth. Piles of blankets and pillows still need to be folded and put away and
the bathroom cleaned. This mama is grateful for it all.


  1. Lovely photos, Melanie. I'm so glad you have your boy home with you for awhile. I can tell that it makes you really happy.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. I'm missing him again already. :-)

  2. You have captured the light very nicely, I love the shadows and how the light plays throughout the day in our homes and yards-evening is always my favorite:)

    1. Thank you, Joyce. The light in these photos was from this morning. It comes into the front of our house. We only have one window in the back of our house, so the evening light isn't as drastic.

  3. Beautiful photos. How great to have your son home and enjoy his company. And I know he loved being home and fed all of his favorites!!


    1. He did indeed, Judy! When I was hugging him goodbye, he said, "Thanks for all the good food, mama!"

  4. I love the soft light. It looks so pretty around your house.

  5. These really are nice pictures, Melanie. Fall sort of makes everything look a little dappled and hazy. SO glad you are enjoying you time with Tim. And I'm sure he loves coming home!


    1. Thank you, Jane. He had to go back to school yesterday afternoon, but we'll see him again at Thanksgiving.

  6. Your pictures capture beautifully the light. Clementine looks quite comfy in the sun.

  7. The best kind of putting the house back in order is with a happy heart. Happy you had this weekend together . . . bet your college son is smiling too!

    1. You are absolutely right, Lynne! I was actually grateful for all those dishes to wash, as it meant some good cooking was going on for those whom I love!

  8. It's such a treat when our kids come home for a weekend!!
    Mary Alice

    1. Definitely! It makes us all appreciate one another all the more, I think.

  9. Melanie,

    What a lovely neighbourhood! Is it the light that makes everything so picturesque or is your home truly situated in such a pretty area?! Indoors, the light enters quietly, makes its way from one room to the next, where it softly complements activities already in motion, and a kitty, whose cuteness quotient is amplified by its shine.

    You are SO lucky to have your son for a weekend! I miss my daughter SO much, especially cooking, baking and chatting with her for hours on end....


  10. I think it's the light, Poppy. ;-) Though my home IS in a pretty area surrounded by farmer's fields, woods, and a big lake a few blocks away, my little neighborhood has houses all stacked on top of each other. I loved having Tim here for the weekend, though we didn't cook or bake together (he was just the recipient of all that cooking and baking!), nor do we chat for hours on end, lol. That's one good thing about having a daughter! Though he did let me hug him a lot and even give him a back scratch...and we watched some cartoons together on the couch with a quilt over our laps. :-)

  11. Wonderful post, Mel. Happy Halloween from California : )


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