Wednesday, March 5, 2014

procrastination central

 I didn't sleep well last night. I went to bed late because I wanted to finish reading
a book. And then I was wide awake at 5:30. I think it's the slant of the light coming
in through my blinds this time of year. I need total darkness to sleep. I think I'm
going to look into getting some room darkening shades. Then I went and looked
out the front door and saw this. Another few inches of snow. Really, Mother Nature?
Look how high the snow is now in my front yard. Two feet, at least. The drifts
are even higher.

 I had an acupuncture appointment at 10:00 a.m. but I rescheduled it for later this
afternoon. I usually don't mind driving in a little bit of snow, but this place is a 1/2
hour drive in normal traffic and I heard the roads were terrible. There are so many
important things I could've been getting done at home today, but I just feel so blah
and tired. I guess it's the combination of a lack of sleep and being tired of this
yucky weather. So in-between doing the usual cleaning and laundry, I did what
I do best: I puttered and rearranged. I took all the plants out of Tim's room, since
he'll be home next week and I need to get that room cleared out. At first it was hard
to find room for more plants in the rest of the house, but I figured it out.

 I moved this print from the bathroom into the living room...

Took the brown basket off the bottom shelf...

And put a cheery, springy splash of yellow there instead.

Added monogrammed vintage hankies to the top of the secretary desk
in my bedroom and made a new vignette...

I really must go shovel the porch and front sidewalk before I leave for
my appointment. The snow is not going to go away by itself. And it's not fair
 for Brian to have to do all the shoveling when he gets home from work. I can
at least help out a bit with that. I promised a friend a phone call too, so off
I go. Please tell me you sometimes have "off" days, too. Do you give in
to them or do you fight it?


  1. Of course I have off days too. It just depends on what has to be done, sometimes I fight it off and sometimes I just give in and spend the day in bed or in a comfy chair

    1. I've never spent the day in bed unless I'm sick - I'm not even a napper. But I have that productive-type personality so if I'm not always doing something or crossing things off my to-do list, I feel guilty!

  2. I'm sorry you're having a funny day. It happens to everyone. I think you spent it well; I like to rearrange things too. I find it gives me a fresh outlook when things look slightly different. I hope you sleep well tonight. Hang in there, spring is coming!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. It's definitely going to be an early night for me tonight.

  3. Melanie, my 'off' days are more than my 'good' ones the last year, with midlife making its debut and then never getting off the stage! It's hard to get motivated sometimes, or feel satisfied with things, even though I am truly grateful for the important things in my life. Gab fests with my girlfriends, who are all over the world, always cheers me up since we tend to laugh our heads off about many things. Baking is comforting, as is taking care of my flowers in the garden. I do find that walking helps lift my mood almost instantly; the fresh air and pretty landscape around me rejuvenates my spirit and livens up my muscles so that I feel a little more empowered. And of course, writing, taking photos and connecting with all of you lovely gals, always makes me smile. Having said that, today has been really tough, as my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has hit hard, and the pain is excruciating, thus, visiting my blogging buddies has been slow and difficult.

    After a good night's rest, a little sunshine and maybe a special sweet treat or a pretty, fragrant one, you'll feel like your usual self, again, I'm sure!

    Take care!


    1. Oh, I hear you about the midlife hormones, Poppy! I think that's part of it, too. I get horrible night sweats. I agree that talking with girlfriends, baking, taking walks, and taking care of flowers helps. That's one reason I can't wait until spring/summer. I'm dying to get out in the yard again and plant and take care of veggies and flowers. And walks in the evenings after dinner will be wonderful once again, too. I'm so sorry to hear about your painful Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. By any chance, have you tried acupuncture for it? I've heard a lot of people say it really helps.

  4. It's getting harder and harder to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning! Every day is the same, ice and snow and cold, cold, cold. Like we're stuck in the movie,"Groundhog Day". Even my 29 year old daughter is blaming her blahs on the weather, so it's not an age thing. I give in to my off days and just read, rest, make plans,etc. Won't be too long now when we will be out in the garden again - and nothing will stop us then! "Keep calm and carry on!" Rinske

    1. That's funny, I was thinking about the movie, Groundhog Day today, too! I can't wait until we can play outside again...seems like a long way off though, doesn't it?

  5. Sorry that you are feeling off, I hope that things improve soon, I can quite see how all that snow would get you down. Your houseplants all look very happy in their new locations though! xx

    1. I think I'll be feeling fine once my root canal is done (Friday) and we pick up Tim on Saturday. Thanks, Amy.

  6. Hi Melanie
    Boy, this weather is getting to everyone! Strangers in the store or super market tell me how tired they are of the snow, ice and cold! Everyone is feeling it. I find I have been sick a lot this winter, just to cold. Which gets me down sometimes. I try to fight it and think of spring and my gardens. I also try to find the time to putter. I have been wanting to redo the hutch and book case, one of these days I will get to it. Winter is also a good time to go thru all the paperwork that has piled up and to organize all of my files. Boring, but what a good feeling when it is all done. Hope tomorrow is better for you. Love and Hugs, Nana

    1. I know I'm far from the only one that's sick and tired of all this snow and cold. Everyone I talk to feels the same and I see it all over Facebook. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick this winter, too. That's one thing I've managed to avoid this winter (and for over a year so far - knock on wood) - being sick. Good idea to go through paperwork and organize files in the winter. That's another major job that needs doing around here!

  7. I definitely have off days...especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed. I think everyone needs a day off once in a while. Your cat won't eat those plants? Mine would probably eat them and then jump up on the nice vintage hankies and throw up. That would be just my luck. :)

    1. OK, that just made me laugh out loud! I have three cats and no, none of them eat the plants. One of my cats - Monkey - chewed on plants when he was a baby, but not anymore. And actually, he threw up today too, but it was on the floor. ;-)

  8. The light shines through our bedroom window too, hubs bought some vinyl sun shade that you cut to your window and put in. I really like it, cause you can take down and put back up if you want. Our little one eats all our plants, and she especially likes dried flowers, find them all over the floor. She just about ate my whole lavender wreath, then she spits up all over,,,ugh! Aren't you just tired of snow. I swear it will never stop snowing. I went to the dentist today for a routine cleaning and found a tooth has a root compremized in it? Best case it can be fixed, worse case root canal. Gosh just don't know why my teeth hate me! Hope this is the last time you be shoveling!

    1. Now that's an interesting idea - to maybe put up some kind of shade to put in the window and then just take it down every morning. Hope you don't have to have a root canal!

  9. Oh yeah! I have weeks full of off days! Today, thankfully, is not one of them. Feel better soon.

  10. Everything is going well, like sleeping because you have an attractive home Malanie! I love your plant arrangement, and the fire place! That blue chair, the mirror and that wall frame. Classy!

    Sebastian of
    Bali Hut Super Store


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