Wednesday, March 14, 2018

mid-march around comfy house

The sunrises this time of year have been glorious. Our front door faces east and has a beveled glass window, so when the sun comes up, it casts interesting shadows in the living room.

It's still cold here with scattered snow showers. No new signs of spring since I last reported seeing lilies and daffodils coming out of the ground. If you don't find spring outside, you can always bring it in.

I had my annual physical this morning and afterwards grabbed a souffle and coffee for breakfast at the nearby Panera. While driving in the back of the building, I could see the Norge Ski Jump sticking way up above the houses, so I decided to drive a few blocks to see the entire jump. I have a friend who lives in this area and she took me to see the jump a few years ago, but I wanted to experience it again. Of course, a photograph doesn't do it justice. It's amazing to see in person. It's huge! One hundred sixty feet into the air, to be precise. This year, the Norge Ski Jump was home to three members of the US Olympic ski jumping team.

I tried my hand at making biscuits this afternoon. I found the recipe in the Cook's Illustrated All-Time Best Spring Recipes magazine. As most of you know, I love to cook and bake, but confession time: I'm not that great with making things such as biscuits, breads, and pie crusts. These didn't rise very high, but I don't think they were supposed to since they were cream biscuits. I wasn't too sure about them when I first saw how they turned out, but I had one with some raspberry jam and - my goodness! - it was delicious.

 When I saw beautiful light purple flowers used in vignettes around Mary Alice's beautiful home, I found out they were Statice - a very popular "filler" flower that also make great dried arrangements. I found a darker variety at Trader Joe's and divided them up in various places around my house. I love that they are inexpensive and will still be pretty when they dry out.

I was surprised to see the bunch in the spare room developing little white blooms. Guess it's because they're by a sunny window. It made me smile to discover the new blooms when I walked into the room. Sometimes it's the small things that make life a little sweeter.

Well, this crazy Jade plant sure isn't a little thing! I'm glad it was so healthy, but it obviously was in need of a good pruning for aesthetic reasons. Some of the limbs were so heavy, they were falling over.I looked up information online, plus watched a few youtube videos, but I was still nervous. A few days ago, I decided just bite the bullet and do it.

Ta-da! Much healthier and bonsai-looking, which is what I wanted. 

And I now have six Ball jars filled with jade plant cuttings. I am waiting until the weather gets warm enough where I can go outside and plant these cuttings in little pots of soil. 

Since Daylight Savings time is here and it now doesn't start getting dark until 7 PM (hallelujah!), it's nice to be able to take a walk after dinner while the sun is still out. Passing by the creek down the street, we were happy to see Mr. and Mrs. Duck and a pair of Canada geese both taking a swim.

Until next time, have a lovely rest of the week!


  1. Your post gives me hope for spring. :)

    Also, I've never been to the ski jump but heard there is a great brunch restaurant near there.

  2. I haven't had a Jade plant in years but they do get 'dragged down' when they get too bit. Nice trim job, Melanie.

    I love statice, too. It adds a nice bit of color and lasts for a long time in an arrangement.

    Have a great Thursday- xoDiana

  3. I love jade plants. I don't have any now, but I had some in a previous house and they did pretty well, even under my black thumb. :) The other day, my husband and I briefly visited our credit union and the agent we saw had about 30 spider plants in his office, all cuttings from the same mother plant, which was enormous. It was so interesting. We spent more time discussing the plants than anything financial. Statice is a beautiful flower and I think it looks even nicer dried. It will last forever and keep its color too. Hope you have a good weekend!

  4. I had forgotten about statice! It's a great flower and lasts forever. I used to use it in dried arrangements...why did stop? Hmmm...

  5. I love seeing the plants and flowers in this post. Tulips are my favorite, such a lovely first sign of spring. I have a jade plant that is just getting started, so I'll keep an eye on it and prune as necessary. Who knew that dried statice sprouts flowers?!

    The ski jump is spectacular! and makes me queasy just looking at it:(

  6. I love seeing your plants do so well. I love a jade plant and haven't had one in years. My light is limited in my duplex so the few plants I have take that space up. It's sunny but cold here, I'm ready for some warmer weather. I'm not much of a cook or baker but I keep saying I'm going to try Claudia's Cloud Biscuits! Hugs!

  7. I love your jade plant.....isn't it funny, my house is FULL of plants but jade plants hate me!! I'm going to try again when I find one somewhere....we'll see how it goes! The previous owners had a huge one sitting right next to the fireplace....I put one there and guess what? It died. I tried watering it. I tried NOT watering it. Nothing worked. Gone, dead.

  8. Pretty photos, Melanie! I can really feel that spring is here now...even with some snow on the ground! Your green thumb inspires me!

  9. I have never had a jade plant, but love the way they look. What a sweet purple plant!

  10. Lovely glimpses into your dear home Melanie! It looks like spring even though winter is still in your area.

    Your biscuits look yummy.

    Have a great Friday and weekend ~ FlowerLady

  11. Love the light photo. Isn't it great when we see sunshine streaming in. Your Jade plant looks great. Good job. I cannot for the life of me grow in door plants.

  12. you have inspired me to bake biscuits ( it's been ages )

    Beautiful post / much enjoyed :)

  13. The biscuits sound and LOOK yummy!
    That ski jump is incredible. They are so brave!
    Take care and have a great week!

  14. I used to have a jade plant years ago..this makes me want another one ( as well as biscuits lol ! :) Fun post :)

  15. A couple of months ago, I saw a huge jade plant that was blooming. I had never seen one bloom before; didn't even know it could. I never had any luck with jade. As for biscuits, I've rarely met one I didn't like. As a Southerner, I make them frequently and yours look good. My future son-in-law made cream biscuits the other day, and his turned out yummy too.

  16. Your biscuits do indeed look delicious! My mom used to make strawberry shortcake biscuits, adding extra butter and sugar to her already tasty biscuits. I swear, it was one of her most delicious creations!


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