Tuesday, December 31, 2013

looking back on 2013

 Well, here we are. The last day of 2013. Do you stay in for New Year's Eve,
or do you go out? We usually stay in - and tonight's no exception. Brian worked
all day and has to get up at 4:15 a.m. for work again tomorrow. Plus, it's 
snowing again. Worrying about intoxicated drivers is bad enough on New
Year's Eve, but add snow to that and it's even worse. We had take-out Chinese
food for dinner, played a few rounds of Backgammon, and now we're going
to watch a little TV. Not much different than any other night at home. Though
I may have a glass of wine later, big party animal that I am.

I went through my 2013 daily planner and was looking at all the little things
~ and big things ~ that made up my year. Have you ever done this? It's
kind of cool to see your year in review, though sometimes painful too, if
there was a serious illness, accident, or death. I found that my life was made
up of a lot of "little" moments with friends and family - lots of talk over meals
out or just meeting for coffee or thrifting. There were day trips with Brian,
walks in the State Park, a concert, two art classes, a baby shower, an 80th
birthday party, my first blog conference, trying out for The Family Feud,

(Me and Jane)

There wasn't a big vacation, but I did have four weekends away ~ one with
a couple of church friends for a women's conference downstate; another
with one of my best friends to her son's college in Iowa; and then two weekends
away with Brian - to Cedarburg, Wisconsin and St. Joseph, Michigan.

(St. Joseph, MI)
Tim moved out and started university in August.

Our house was a little worse for the wear this year with having to replace
the water softener, water heater, stove, and dishwasher; and having 
furnace problems, missing shingles off the roof, a broken toilet, and 
lots of plumbing problems (which are still ongoing!).

 And then there were those loved ones that left this earth: my sister-in-law, Colleen
in March; my best friend's father in May; my grandpa in October; and my
great-aunt in November. May they all rest in peace. 

(Grandpa Herbie)

I shared my life with you all in 140 blog posts this year. I want to thank you
all for reading my little blog and being so kind and supportive. May 2014
bring us all abundant blessings of wellness, love, and peace in our hearts.

(Zippo and Monkey resting on my bed this afternoon)


  1. we are staying in and have for years, just too many crazy partying drivers out there.
    Happy New Year to you, I always enjoy your blog and getting to cyber-visit your home.

    1. Thank you so much, Rhonda. I'm glad you enjoy visiting me and my home!

  2. Hubs and I am staying in too, with it snowing and the weather saying 6" tonight and predicting a foot of snow by Thursday! Yikes, time to get the snow blower out and see if it words. I'm gonna head over to Jane's, it's nice to know a fellow blogger lives so close. I'm just outside the south side of Chicago. Should would be great to meet you all someday soon. Anyways, wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year's. PS. I am so sorry for your loses this year.

    1. It is 11 PM and I just came in from shoveling that 6" of snow off the porch, sidewalk, and driveway. Woke me up, that's for sure! Oh yes, you definitely need to meet Jane, at least through her blog. She's just outside the south side of Chicago, too! It'd be awesome to have a meet-up...we should plan something for 2014!

  3. Melanie - had the pleasure of having two year old Laynee for a visit. Was definitely one of the wildest New Year's Eve we've had in quite a few years!

    Yes, 2013 has been an interesting and trying year, but God is good and I'm looking forward to the new year.

    Happy New Year's to you and yours!


    1. A two-year old would be make any day wild, that's for sure!

  4. We partied in the afternoon with the grandboys, then spent a quiet evening at home with Eric Clapton. :o) Greg's been sick with a cold and didn't even feel like having a special meal. That was okay with me.
    Wishing you a wonderful new year!

    1. Sounds like a pretty good NY Eve except for your hubby being sick.

  5. Your eve sounds a lot like ours, it's nice to stay home and be comfy and safe with someone your love. Wishing you many blessings in 2014.


  6. Happy New Year!


  7. I've really enjoyed your blog since we connected sometime earlier this year. I'm looking forward to following along in 2014 too. Happy New Year to you and your family, Melanie!

  8. Happy New Year, Melanie!

    Looking forward to staying in touch this year and have so enjoyed connecting with you and visiting your wonderful blog!


  9. Hi Melanie! Oh, I just love Zippo and Monkey! We had Chinese take-out this year, too. And this year we were smart and got it early, around 5 PM. Other years we've waited till a bit later and the wait is VERY long! I'm hoping the storm you got is out of here by tomorrow night. But we are having bitter cold temperatures, and I think they're going to be around for a while. Happy New Year to you!

    1. I think Chinese food was very popular on NY Eve...we got ours early, too and the place was still packed. The snow storms and bitter cold temps don't look like they're stopping anytime soon for us - hope it's better in your area!

  10. Happy New Year Melanie,
    Such a pleasure to visit your blog-wishing you good health, happiness and all of the things in life which you bring you joy!

  11. I love reading "year in review" posts, but I have to tell you that the St. Joe picture in the middle just stopped me in my tracks! You know how I love that place, and that spot is so familiar to me. Love it!

    1. I'm so glad you told me about "your" town, Robin. We loved it!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a kind comment - I read and appreciate each one!