Friday, July 12, 2024

time for some small changes in my home

In my last post (I know, it's been awhile), I was explaining how we lived in a ranch-style house and that we basically lived on the main level. That we have a family room in the basement, but we're never down there. I also explained how we're at the age where retirement is looming, and that we need to decide if we're staying or moving. We started looking at other housing options by looking at homes in a nearby over-55 community. For various reasons, we have decided this particular housing development is not the right place for us.

In the meantime, I decided why not take advantage of the basement family room while we still didn't have any problem with the stairs? Besides, our living room is small and the wall by the fireplace is the only space we have for our TV. Not that this is a bad thing, but we don't have a foyer. So when you walk into the front door of our house, you're immediately in the living room. You're staring right at the TV. This was the only current (ish) photo I could find of the living room that shows the TV - from last fall. 

Another negative thing about having the TV in this space: the glare from the windows.

We purchased a big rug from HomeGoods to anchor the living space (the floors are painted cement; long ago we had carpet but had a basement flood...the contractor said at the time that even if we put down laminate, if we ever had a basement flood again, that the water would go under the laminate and ruin he suggested just having the floors painted). Then we moved the TV and media stand downstairs.

Ta-da! A usuable space once again. We're not big TV watchers, but sometimes on the evenings where Brian has the next day off, we've been enjoying our time watching TV downstairs. We're currently watching Season 3 of The Bear.

Tucked in back of the living area is a little alcove where Tim used to have his drum set. It now holds the treadmill and some other exercise equipment. To the right of this alcove is a small hallway with a door that leads into the unfinished part of the basement. Same with that bi-fold white door that you see. 

You can see in this wider angle of the room, that behind the couch are bookcases and a L-shaped bar. That bar area came in handy when our boys were little and we'd have birthday parties in the basement. It was a great area to spread out all the food. Same for when the boys were teens and they'd have their friends over: a great space for kids to hang out and use the bar top for pizzas, pop, and snacks. The bar has cabinets built in behind it, so that's where I store all my large kitchen appliances and big serving pieces and platters.

A view of the bar...not a very attractive area, but at this point in our lives, we don't have any desire to change it. It's "good enough" for our use right now. The wall with the staircase behind it used to have an assortment of metal faux-vintage signs on it, but I recently took them all down. Was tired of looking at it. 

Back upstairs, I moved the console table from Brian's office to the space where the TV and media console were. It's a weird place to put anything, with this wall being right next to the angled fireplace and needing enough room to walk into the kitchen or hallway. I don't think builders think about furniture placement or design challenges. ;-)

Thanks for still being here and leaving such nice comments, even though I've been posting sporadically. 


  1. Your home is lovely! Thank you for letting me "visit"
    Always enjoy your blog posts.

  2. Hi Melanie! Oh I do love it when you post pictures of your lovely, tastefully decorated home! I think the downstairs space is great. I love how you have rearranged everything. As you know, we have been looking for a new home to move into for our retirement, and many of the homes have odd angles that would make furniture placement a real challenge. You have done great, and clearly have a talent for decorating. You always motivate me to and give me ideas for my own home. We have also looked at 55+ areas and ultimately decided against them for a number of reasons - one being the high HOAs that will no doubt go up over time. I hope your summer is going well, and that Illinois isn't too warm for you. I remember when we lived in Southern Illinois and the humidity could get quite intense in the summer. Have a good weekend! See you again soon!

  3. Wow Melanie! Your basement looks fantastic! I love the wall color and that rug. What a cozy and relaxing space. You must be so glad you decided to reclaim it. Enjoy it!

  4. Hi Melanie. Love your downstairs area. Terry and I just bought a place in a 55 and older gated community in Plainfield. We are excited to have a ranch townhouse and out of the condo scene. My mail chimp account was screwed up and I lost a lot of my email notification people. I posted recently to resign up if you are not getting my posts. The post before that one has pics of the new place we bought. Take a look when you have a minute. Hope all is well. Terry and I are in Michigan this week on vacation. I hope we get a contract soon on the condo. I really do not want to own two properties. We close on the new place August 9. Everything happened quickly this last week. Hugs Kris @ JunkChicCottage

  5. So cozy and usable--way to think about side the box and to use what you have!!!

  6. That's a good-sized room. Love what you did with it! Looks quite cozy.

  7. Sorry if you get two comments. Just as I was pushing Publish I realized that I was posting anonymously. So I'm writing another. That room is really good-sized. Perfect for what you're using it for. And it's quite cozy!

  8. I absolutely love your basement. Ours is in such a bad state. I hope to one day have it looking like yours. Thank you for inspiring me. ❤️😘

  9. Everything looks really nice. We have done the same thing. We do use both levels equally and have our tv downstairs. My husband and I have been retired over ten years and are not quite ready to sell. Although with all the rain in Mpls area this summer, the yard is uncontrollable!

  10. Oh, I love this room, Melanie! The colors are wonderful and it looks so cozy. I always look at your pictures for ideas for my house. Your style is so simple and refreshing to me. I imagine settling in with a book and a cup of tea.

  11. Your home is always lovely. I really like the basement. It really looks like a sanctuary to enjoy and love.

  12. Your home is lovely and how wonderful to have that basement space. In our other house we had a family room and a living room and I liked not having a TV in the living room. This house only has a living room, no family room, no basement, therefore the TV is in the living room. I love the way you decorated your downstairs it feels really cozy and yet very spacious. You've got a knack for decorating girl :)
    Thank you again for your sweet emails you are very thoughtful and kind.
    You're blogging sister, Connie

  13. It's funny how everyone is drawn to something different when touring someone's home. My heart skipped a beat when I spied your teal velvet pumpkin, then the quilt in the chair in your living room, but I am blown away by the beauty in your floors, If I'm not mistaken, those are not the new manufactured floors but instead highly finished hardwood originals. If I'm wrong then you certainly hit the jackpot because I've not seen any of the new ones look that pretty. They absolutely gleam :)


Thank you for taking the time to leave a kind comment - I read and appreciate each one!