Saturday, March 30, 2024

march update

It's been way too long since I've checked in. When I looked back in my journal to see what had happened since since the end of Feb when I last wrote, I noticed my life was filled with extraordinary moments: seeing friends and relatives that I hadn't seen in years; girlfriend get-togethers; making soup every week for a friend going through chemo; attending a wonderful poetry slam; getting an overdue massage; meals out with extended family; hunting for - and finally buying - new glasses. 

Best of all, Tim was here for a visit last week! Per his request, we spent an entire day in downtown Chicago. We found a cool bookstore filled with used books where the proceeds went to children's literacy programs in the city.

Bathroom walls in the bookstore...

Tim requested a visit to the new Guinness brewery...

The aesthetics were beautiful! The guys said the beer - some brewed at this Chicago location; others brewed in Dublin and shipped in - was fantastic. I wouldn't know, as I don't like beer.

Good food was definitely on our list, too. We decided to try beef bone marrow ~ supposedly a popular item at this restaurant. I didn't care for it at all. Brian and Tim loved it. I brought the bones home and saved one for my mom's dog and with the others, made a delicious stock.

The burgers were a different story though...holy yum! I'm not even much of a burger person, but with this one, all bets are off. Good thing it's only a once-in-a-blue-moon indulgence!

Another stop was a cool arcade filled with retro pinball and video games, air hockey, and pool. We got there when they first opened, so the place was empty. A few hours later, it was packed with tons of young people. My cousin had joined us by then. I told all of them that I felt like I was in a frat house. We decided it was a good time to leave. ;-)

We wound the night up by sharing a charcuterie plate and appetizers at this rather "interesting" restaurant. As you can see by the photo, the booths have solid doors! They were opened up for us, we slid into the booths, and then the doors were shut behind us. It was rather claustrophobic. And it made the serving of the food and refilling our water glasses by the servers awkward. The food was fantastic though. The meats and cheeses were all sourced from Illinois farms and the sourdough bread was made on premises.

Walking back to our car on the top floor of the parking garage, this was our view.

On the homefront with Tim, he made us the most delicious cabbage soup for dinner one evening. I admit: his soup (at least this one) is better than mine!

Tim's flight going back to California was delayed because of storms, so we spent some time wandering around the local antique mall.

And...that's a wrap. I hope by the next time that I post, it'll be about spring yard clean up and what's blooming. I can't wait! This last half of March has been cold and now we're having lots of rain. I'm longing for warmer days spent outside once on the front porch in the morning to start my day and working in the yard and planting flowers. 

For those of you who celebrate, Happy Easter! 


  1. I am so glad you had a great time with Tim in town. I know those visits mean so much. They go so quickly. Looks like a lot of fun. What is the name of that book store in Chicago? How fun to go to the Guinness brewery and that burger looked so yummy. Cabbage soup looks pretty yummy too. Glad you had such a good visit. Give us the recipe for that cabbage soup. Yum yum yum. Hugs. Kris

  2. Melanie, you have had some extraordinary moments lately, Tim visiting you to top the list! I love that you spend that time creating these wonderful memories (for all of you) seeing your big exciting city that offers so many interesting options. You know I would have loved that bookstore and I would have enjoyed visiting the Guinness location. I don't like beer either but I've always got to have Guinness Extra Stout on hand as I put it in Chili, Chicken Chili, roast beef and a few other things. But wow, does Tim's cabbage soup ever look delicious!

    What a beautiful night scene Chicago offers too! Hope you get your wish for good gardening season soon, Melanie! And I can't help wishing Tim would move back home not too far from his Mama!

  3. What a great time you had in Chicago! I like to read about your adventures.
    My therapist is in Evanston, and when I was there last, I thought we could go there sometime because you know all the good places to visit. 😘💕

  4. Your month of March sounds like it was full of happy and meaningful moments.
    How great that Tim came for a visit and you all had such a good time visiting Chicago. Sounds like so much fun. Tim's soup looks delicious and healthy. How nice to have a son that cooks.

  5. Looks like a wonderful visit...and that wallpaper in the bathroom is really cool!!

  6. I guess I missed this post! Sounds like a perfect visit with Tim, and I’m sure you had a hard time letting him leave.

  7. I'm sorry I missed this post Melanie - what a wonderful time you had with your son, all the food and adventures sound wonderful! I love the steps on the bookstore, what a great advertising idea!!!! Blessings to you :)

  8. Hi! I just wanted to say hello! I came across your blog via Happy @ Home's blog. And, funny thing, I just started following you on Instagram yesterday via Jen Kershner's Instagram - small world! Hope you are having a great day!


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