Thursday, November 16, 2023

it's about time

Where to start when it's been seven weeks since I last posted? It's been a combination of things. Not in a blogging mood, having a busy (a "good" busy) fall, and feeling like I have nothing to say while at the same time, having too much to say. 

{my darling Clementine is still doing well!}

I at least wanted to say hello and check in with you all and see how you're doing. I know the world can be very heavy on our hearts at times. Personally, it's been a good fall for me except for September 25th, a day I always dread. That's the date of my oldest son, Philip's passing. It's been 14 years, which seems like forever ago. It's still a very difficult day for me and Brian and I know it will be until we take our last breath. It doesn't matter how many years have passed. When you lose a child, the jagged wound in your heart is irreparable. 

Otherwise, this fall has been full of farms and petting goats and walking along the beach (Lake Michigan); reconecting with my yoga and Reiki communities; trying new-to-me art mediums (watercolor); and lots of one-on-one time with my friends.

{rocks and beach glass found along the lake shore}

The absolute best thing this fall was Tim coming home for a visit! It had been a year since we'd seen our boy. His time was limited while he was home as he was standing up in a wedding, but we enjoyed a day in downtown Chicago; hanging out for a bit at a couple of his friend's houses (with one friend and his wife and kids, I'm like their bonus mom and grandma ~ and with Tim's other friends, I've known them since they were in their late teens); a visit with extended family; just hanging out together watching a couple of movies; and an evening where Tim made us carnitas for dinner. 

I haven't been reading as much as I'd like lately. (Goal: less time spent on social media!) How about you?

A trip to the library and the threat of cold weather moving in next week spurred me on. I'm nearing the end of Absolution by Alice McDermott. I have mixed feelings on this novel. McDermott is a wonderful storyteller and there's some compelling parts in this book, but it's also a bit dry. I'll take a break from fiction and dive into a non-fiction book next. 

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is only a week away. To my American friends, I hope your day is full of gratitude and love.



  1. Hi Melanie. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! It's so great that Clementine is still hanging in there. I love all the pictures in this post, but my favorite is the one with you and your son. I hope that Thanksgiving is a day when good memories are made. I always enjoy your posts. See you again soon (either here on on Facebook). :-)

  2. Melanie, I certainly understand your first two sentences about blogging absences. It's a good thing blogging isn't our income, isn't it? And of course fall will never be the same for you after losing Phillip, as is every single day. I'm very glad your fall has been filled with pleasant times doing things you love, with people you love, most especially the visit from Tim. He is so handsome! Your stack of books reminded me of a picture I took of a stack of mine, ones to donate to Goodwill as I'm trying to make room on bookshelves. I know you're really good about doing that and I'm determined to be better at it.

    I can hardly believe that a week from today that our Thanksgiving Day will be over! I do very little for it now but had better start making a grocery list for that.

    A kiss to Clementine,

  3. I'm so glad that you were finally able to visit with Tim (Or rather that he was there to visit with you). It sounds like you've made the best of Fall this year. I'm with you on doing less social media and reading more books!

  4. First and foremost, I have to say how happy I was to see your post in my Feedly. ❤️
    Second, Clementine's photo is stunning! She is so beautiful! You take such good care of her. I love it so much. Thank goodness for our pets. 
    I love the beach glass you found!
    I am always so grateful for a good library haul.
    I'm glad you had a good visit with Tim. I loved hearing about it when we got together.

    I hope you and Brian have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 😘😊❤️

  5. I'm glad that you've been having a lovely fall, it looks like you've really been enjoying all it has to offer, right down to those baby goats! I know it must be a very difficult season for you, so I'm happy to hear that you were able to find some bright spots...hugs my friend...

  6. Thanks for sharing the fullness of your life.

  7. How nice that Tim came home for a visit. Sounds like you made the most of your time together.
    Love your collection of rocks and sea glass. Such treasures!
    Happy Thanksgiving!


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