Monday, March 8, 2021

my darling clementine

LATER UPDATE: Clementine did well with her procedure and is home and doing fine! 

Hello friends ~ I will be back later this week to show you some things I got from vintage shopping this weekend, but I wanted to pop in last minute and ask you for good thoughts and prayers for my sweet kitty, Clementine.

Before I do...I have to share this photo from this morning. We're having a rare few days here in Illinois with 60 degree temps. Brian and I sat outside on the porch this morning in our pajamas, soaking up the vitamin D while we had the chance. I jokingly said to Brian that with our gray lounge pants and sitting outside in the sunshine, that we looked like nursing home residents that the staff just wheeled out. 🤣 But seriously...oh, how we miss this during our long, cold winters! You can see in the background that we still have some snow piles. I hope that with this few days of warmth (and some rain moving in), the snow will be completely gone. I walked around the yard the other day and was thrilled to see signs of daffodils, chives, and Jacob's Ladder poking their green shoots out of the ground. 

On to my sweet girl. She is going to the vet tomorrow morning to be put under anesthesia and have her teeth cleaned. Normally, not much of a big deal. However, Clementine has kidney disease. So being put under anesthesia is a risk. After talking to both vets in our vet practice, they both agreed that it's better in her case to take the risk. The tartar is so bad on her back teeth that it poses a risk to her kidneys. 

I'm nervous about her being put under anesthesia, of course. I have anxiety, so fear and bad thoughts run through my head. I am doing my best to replace those thoughts with good ones, but if you suffer from anxiety too, you know how hard this can be.

And if you're a pet parent, you also know how much love your heart holds for your fur baby/babies. So if you feel led, please say a prayer for my Clementine that she will get through the procedure without any complications. Positive thoughts sent our way will work, too!

Clementine and I thank you!


  1. I hope that Clementine did well and that her teeth are all shiny clean now. Have a good week!

  2. I will be,saying prayers for Clementine. May the procedure go smoothly and quickly and may she heal quickly after it is done. Please keep us updated.

  3. Oh sweet Clementine. I will send prayers her way and yours. :)

  4. Saying a prayer for you and Clementine. By the time you read this, I hope that you are safely on the other side of the procedure and all is well!

  5. Such lovely photos of sweet Clementine. Hope all goes well. Sending good wishes and warmth (we got up to 80 degrees today). Take care.

  6. I am late responding but gobs and gobs of good thoughts being sent for sweet Clementine-- and for you too.

  7. Melanie, I just saw this and stopped to pray for your darling Clementine. And for you too! Our two dachshunds go soon for their dental plus to have a fatty tumor removed from JM. Every year ours go for what is supposedly a simple dental I still worry until I get that call saying they're fine. So I can imagine how nervous you must have been about this. That sweet little face in your pictures! I'm hoping you've heard good news by now and will be bringing her home for lots of snuggling.

    And I hope your snow all melts soon, not to return until next winter.

  8. Hoping to hear good news from Clementine's visit - she is so pretty.
    As for you two sitting out in the sunshine with snow still on the ground - I had to smile and say to myself, only Melanie would do that and joke about it!
    Loved it!
    Mary x

  9. Such a sweet pretty kitty. Will be holding dear Clementine in my thoughts, Melanie.

  10. Glad to hear Clementine did well and is back home. It is always so hard when our little fur babies have to have procedures or are not feeling good. xoxo

  11. Prayers and positive thoughts for you and for Clementine ♥

  12. So happy to hear she is doing well. I have no human family and my cats are my kids, so I would do anything, spend all kinds of $ to keep them healthy. Clementine is your baby girl! May she share many more years with you & your family.


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