Wednesday, March 10, 2021

clementine ~ and vintage shopping

Thank you all so very much for the good thoughts and prayers for Clementine. (See last post if you missed it.) Thankfully, she came out of her procedure doing well except for being feisty. They were able to clean her teeth using light gas instead of putting her completely under. A big relief so that her kidneys wouldn't have to process a strong anesthesia. As you can imagine, I am incredibly thankful to have my Clemmie back at home and doing well. She fell asleep on my tummy earlier today and even though I needed to get up and get things done, I relished the peaceful time spent with her. I know her life is limited due to her kidney disease. 

This past weekend, hundreds of vintage shops across Wisconsin and Illinois participated in a Vintage Shop Hop. I only went to a couple of shops ~ one on Friday and one on Saturday. From the first shop, I came home with this vintage recipe box. I loved the spring colors and graphics.

I also found this pair of salt and pepper shaker chicks. They're not vintage, but they were too cute to pass up. They go with my hen and chick butter dish that I found in a thrift shop years ago.

Saturday was beautifully sunny and getting warmer...I could smell spring in the air. I spent a few hours in a small nearby town, first grabbing a coffee from the local coffee shop and then taking a 1/2 hour walk around the town, soaking up the sunshine, breathing in the fresh air, letting my thoughts go...decompressing. 

As I was walking, this house across the street with the bright blue door caught my eye. Isn't it pretty? I never regretted painting our front door a bright yellow. A friend of mine painted her front door a bright green. 

After my walk, I popped into my destination. This shop I visited has a mixture of vintage items and handcrafted pieces made by the owner, Mary. I've been shopping at her store for years now, and we always chat, so I've gotten to know her. I hadn't seen Mary since before Christmas and I was the only patron in the store, so we had a chance to get caught up.

Mary's artistic ability goes beyond her handcrafted items. Her displays and vignettes are always eye-catching.

A few treasures came home with me, including this wooden pedestal. I might give it a little distressed look with a dry brush later.

This vintage wooden bird was up high on a china cabinet, but he caught my eye. He's handmade and his wings move up and down. Mary tied a rope around his neck to camouflage a crack in his neck from where she dropped him. I told her I didn't mind the defect. 

I have a soft spot for either red and white or blue and white kitchen decor. There were a bunch of these vintage milk glass spice jars, but I only wanted one. I've seen white vintage spice jars, but only smooth ones. I love the raised design on this jar. Right now it's on the ledge of my stove, in-between the salt and pepper shaker. I move things around all the time and change up decor, so one day it might be in my china hutch with other red and white items.

As always, thanks for visiting and for your lovely comments. They truly do make my day. 
Stay safe and well.


  1. Clementine is such a pretty cat. I'm so glad all went well with her procedure. I'm sure you're very relieved. Those little yellow salt and pepper shaker chicks are too cute. I loved that little standing blue and brown bunny in Mary's shop. Have a good one.

  2. I'm so glad Clementine is doing well!
    This weekend was so gorgeous outside, so what a great time to go! I love seeing what you pick up. :)

  3. Glad to hear the Clementine is doing well. It sounds like you had a couple of lovely days! Love the goodies you picked up.

  4. I'm glad to hear the good news about Clementine. Your day out and about sounds just perfect. I love it when you share your 'finds' with us. Mary's shop looks fabulous. I love the two little sheep in the one photo. I could get into some serious trouble there!

  5. They had the shop hop going on by me too. Just had too much going on last weekend. Great weather for it. Glad Clementine is doing good. I love the little vintage recipe box it reminds me of my mom's. The little chick salt and peppers are so cute too. I am loving our weather but hear it is going back to normal this weekend. ugh!

  6. Oh thank goodness! I was worried about Clementine. I'm glad she came through it okay. I do the same thing with Ivy or Charlie. If they're comfy next to me or in my lap, I try to stay put.

  7. So glad to hear your girl is home and doing well. Your vintage shop looks like there are treasures to find everywhere. So glad you had a wonderful day.

  8. It is such a relief to know your Clementine is doing well at home. My babies had their dental on Tuesday as well as surgery on James Mason for a mass on his chest and I had butterflies in my stomach days before they went and didn't relax until I had them home again. His mass turned out to only be a cyst so no need to send it off to lab. I've not done much except take care of them but after his stitches come out I am looking forward to visiting our local antique shops. I enjoyed seeing pictures of your shop visits. It would be nice just to linger and appreciate the displays. I love the hen and chick butter dish you already had, Melanie! Your new purchases are so pretty too. I am very drawn to kitchen things from the past. There's something about your pretty recipe box that says happy kitchen!

  9. I'm glad Clementine came through the procedure all right. There are some gorgeous vintage items. We're still in lockdown, I'm so looking forward to getting out to my favourite shops.

  10. Melanie, it is always fun visiting and seeing what you have been up too. Always fun, except when it's problems with your cranky neighbor and her obnoxious tree. I love how you and your husband get out and explore your nearby communities. You would be a great tour guide . . . book tours to secondhand book stores and vintage tours to secondhand and vintage shops. If I lived near you I would be one of the first to sign up.
    Have a lovely Sunday . . . oh, I am so pleased to hear that Clemmie is back home and feeling better :)

  11. I’m so glad to hear that Clementine is recovering!

  12. I am not sure how I missed this post! I am so glad that Clementine came through her procedure well. My husband and I both love looking in and shopping in vintage shops. They always have such fun treasures! I think my mom had a recipe file box just like then when I was growing up. I am not sure what happened to it, but seeing it brings back memories. :-)


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