Monday, October 10, 2016

knee update and antiquing

Hello friends ~ so much day-to-day busyness going on here and doing my "homework" (research) on meniscus tears so that when I met up with my orthopedic doctor again today, I'd be prepared with questions. Long story short, my tear does indeed require surgery - unless I want things to get worse and develop osteoarthritis. (I was hoping I could get away with just physical therapy.) It's a degenerative lateral tear, meaning the tear is on the outside of the knee where there is no blood supply. This kind of tear is uncommon; the more common ones are medial tears - on the inside of the knee. Brian and I actually had a little chuckle about me having the uncommon kind. That's pretty much been the story of my life with my medical history. Anyway, the surgery scheduler will be calling me in the next few days to schedule surgery, so I'm hoping to have it by the end of the month. I'm admittedly scared, but I also want it over so I can move on to healing. I'm in a lot of pain right now.

On to better things. One of the great things about fall in my area is the abundance of activities and fests to choose from on the weekends. This past weekend, a couple of local antique stores were having a fall harvest sale. These little stores are only a 20 minute drive from my house, but yet I'd never been there. It's in an area that I never just pass through, so I always thought "some day". Brian and I met my aunt and uncle there for some treasure hunting. 

I loved this pumpkin planter, but priced at $35, I had to pass it up.

Not an antique, just a homemade planter, but charming nonetheless.

I spy some pretties...we need to go inside.

Stepping inside...I love antique stores like this, where there's so much to look at. I could go back over the same area a few times and find something I hadn't seen the first go-around.

Whaddya think ~ is this hat "me"? ;-)

Here's what came home with me (NOT the hat) ~

A vine and twig pumpkin...

A trio of crocheted acorns...

A couple of crocheted pumpkins...

and my favorite bargain, a pair of Le Creuset petite pumpkin cocottes!

 Before I sign off, my obligatory maple tree photo:

I think we can all use a little bit of peace and beauty in our lives right now.
Blessings to all.


  1. Well, I guess you need the surgery. I hope you let us all know so we can be thinking of you.

    I have all 3 of the books in your first photo - great minds...

  2. So sorry about the pain♥ Hugs ♥

  3. That shop looks absolutely charming, Melanie.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. We never want to deal with surgery, but if it starts you on the road to recovery, that's a good thing.

  4. What a fun store and I love the front . . . so charming and inviting.
    Keep us posted about your knee.
    Connie :)

  5. On my walk this morning I was noticing the maples at the end of the block are turning red from the tops, too.
    I love those crocheted acorns!
    Sorry about the need for surgery, but you'll feel better after it's all fixed up.

  6. I hope your knee feels better soon.
    Completely twiterpated with those crocheted acorns. I wold put them on a Christmas tree =)

  7. The fur hat would be warm this winter. But I like your other purchases better.
    In your antique store, I spy my parents wood cannister set, decorated with a rooster. They've been using the same set all their married life.
    So sorry about your knee situation, we are kind of experts on knee surgeries. Jeff has had 8 on his right, 1 on his left and he went today for an MRI on the left one.

  8. So sorry you're in pain Melanie. Thank goodness there's surgery to fix it though. While it's never something we look forward to, it will be so helpful in the long run.

    The shop you visited looks so cute, and yes, I can't believe you've never been there until now! Get with it girl ;).


  9. I am so sorry to hear about your painful situation. I understand your desire to keep surgery as a last resort. I am the same way. I do hope that you will find relief from surgery and then it will all be worth it.
    Your treasures from the antique shop are so fun. I would love to take a peek inside that shop. How fun!

  10. I'm just catching up here, I've missed some posts obviously as I didn't know about your knee - sorry, my friend, that truly stinks! I severed my ACL a few years back skiing out in Utah and had to have surgery as well - the recovery time was a full year on that surgery, and I'm a very hesitant skier now! Meniscus isn't as bad, thank God. You'll be running around like new in no time!!

  11. I'm sorry you didn't get the news you wanted on the knee. Time to stock up on some good books maybe?

    I had fun looking at the pictures from the antique store. And being thankful it's not 20 minute from MY house! Oh, the temptations.

  12. hope your pain is healed by a great surgery and an uneventful recovery. :)

  13. p.s. better get your Xmas shopping down before the surgery. ;)

  14. Melanie, I hope that surgery takes the pain away and you recover quickly. And I think you should go back and get the hat and wear it during rehab! ;)

  15. What a fun trip...those little crocheted acorns are adorable!

    So sorry to hear about the need for surgery :(

  16. Your day out sounded so festive and Fallish! So sorry about your knee, I hope you get it taken care of soon and are on the road to healing quickly.

  17. Hi Melanie, I'm sorry your knee is giving you so much trouble. I wish you didn't have to go through a surgery but I hope it will be the solution so you don't have to live with such pain anymore. I enjoyed seeing the antiques, how fun. I love your cocottes, what a great find. I love stores like that. You seem to find such wonderful stuff when you visit them. I hope you have a good week ahead, take care.

  18. I'm so sorry about your knee, Mel I feel I have the same bad luck, too. It's never simple with me and I feel I've had a curse on me for the last few years. I pray you get through this okay physically and mentally. I'm praying and cheering you on.

    What an incredible day, I stared at each photo pretending I was there. Antiques are not in abundance here despite the older homes and selling. I think most of everything is bought up in estate sales and I'm not into that.

    Thinking of you!



  19. Good Morning Melanie!
    I sure hope that the surgery does the trick and that you are up and moving in no time!
    Love that hat and your smile:)

  20. I'm sorry that you do have to deal with surgery, but if it's any consolation, laproscopic surgery is pretty easy to deal with. Try not to fret too much.


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