Last Wednesday was my hubby's birthday.
He had the day off work, so I took a vacation day from my job
so I could spend the day with him.
We started out by going out to breakfast at a local restaurant ~
and I gifted hubby with an iPod Touch. :-)
Our son even managed to get up early(ish) to join us for breakfast...
For dinner, we grilled bratwurst and also had my homemade macaroni salad
(Brian's request - he loves my mac salad!) and baked beans.
Dessert was Brian's favorite birthday cake - banana with cream cheese frosting.
My mom saw this photo on Facebook and asked, "Does wine go with cake?"
A valid answer: "Doesn't wine go with everything?!"
In all seriousness, the wine was mine and the piece of cake was Brian's.
Flowers from my gardens...and Clem looking on.
I bought some new succulents this weekend and got them potted.
I have quite the collection now!
My petunias are doing fantastic this year.
The weird thing is - they're planted in a vintage iron pot that
doesn't even have any drainage. I also don't fertilize them.
Go figure!
Seeing it's almost 11:00 p.m., I'm going to take the hint from my kitties
and get ready for bed.
Hope you all had a great weekend!